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Thursday 19 February 2015

The illusionist (2006) full movie 1080P


The film begins in ViennaAustria-Hungary, in 1889, with the arrest of Eisenheim (Edward Norton) during what appears to be necromancy passed off as a magic show by a Chief Inspector Walter Uhl (Paul Giamatti) of the Vienna Police. Later, he recounts the story of Eisenheim's life for Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell).
Eisenheim was born the son of a peasant cabinetmaker in a rural village. As a teenager, Eisenheim (Aaron Johnson) meets a traveling magician who performs several tricks for him. Eisenheim becomes interested in magic tricks after this. He also falls in love with Sophie, the Duchess von Teschen (Eleanor Tomlinson), a noblewoman well above his social class. Although the two are forbidden to see each other, they meet secretly until at last they are caught and forcefully separated.
Eisenheim then leaves home and travels the world, perfecting his craft. He returns to Vienna years later as a master illusionist. He again meets the adult Sophie (Jessica Biel) at one of his performances. He soon learns that Sophie is expected to marry the Crown Prince Leopold, whose "Progressive sympathies" mask a rumored history of brutality towards women, and probable murder of one. After humiliating the Crown Prince during a private show, Eisenheim finds his popular performances banned from Vienna.
Eisenheim suggests to Sophie that they flee the Empire together. Sophie, however, explains that it is not so easy. The Crown Prince is planning a coup d'etat to usurp the Crown of Austria from his elderly father, the Emperor Franz Joseph I. He plans to use his engagement to her to win the Hungarian half of the Empire as well. Still, she fears that they would be captured and executed if she simply escaped.
That evening, Leopold confronts Sophie at the Mayerling hunting lodge and they break up. Leopold, enraged, chases her into the stables with his sword drawn. The next day, Sophie's horse, covered in blood, is found in Vienna. Within hours, Sophie is found dead in the Vienna Woods. Enraged, Eisenheim tells Uhl that Sophie was about to leave the Crown Prince for him. Uhl refuses to believe this.
Eisenheim prepares a new magic show, and apparently summons spirits. Leopold attends one of the shows incognito, during which Eisenheim summons the spirit of Sophie, who says that someone in the theater murdered her. Panicking, Leopold orders Uhl to arrest Eisenheim for fraud. Uhl pleads with Eisenheim never to summon Sophie again. However, Eisenheim manages to avoid being detained.
Returning to the movie's opening scene, Uhl sees Eisenheim summon Sophie a second time. She is sad that she lost her locket when she died, because it was a gift from Eisenheim. Uhl tries to arrest Eisenheim on the spot, only for the illusionist to vanish into thin air like his summoned spirits. The film then returns to Uhl telling Eisenheim's life story to Leopold. Uhl then explains to Leopold that he's found evidence that he murdered Sophie: a jewel from the prince's blood-stained sword as well as Sophie's locket. He has already informed the Emperor and the General Staff of Leopold's conspiracy to usurp the throne. Leopold reacts; pointing a revolver at Uhl, vowing to kill him. As officers from the Imperial Guard of the Austro-Hungarian Army arrive on the scene, Leopold rants against his father's constitutional monarchy. As the officers start to break down his door, the Crown Prince shoots himself through the head.
While Uhl is leaving the Imperial Palace, he's approached by a boy who gives him a folio explaining one of Eisenheim's magic tricks. Uhl, recognizing a disguised Eisenheim nearby, follows him to the train station. As the train leaves, a montage shows an admiring Uhl putting the pieces together in his mind. In reality, Eisenheim and Sophie have framed Leopold for a murder which never took place. Eisenheim, then seen walking up to a country house, embraces Sophie.


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