101次求婚Say Yes (aka 101 Proposals, 2013)
The film opens with Huang Bo as construction worker Huang Da out on the 99th in a string of unsuccessful blind dates. Although his rendezvous doesn’t work out, he runs into the gorgeous Yeh Shun (Lin Chiling), a cello player nursing a broken heart after being jilted at the alter by the possibly dead (!) Xu Zhuo (Godfrey Gao, “All About Women”). The two quickly become friends, though Huang Bo finds himself wanting more, despite her refusal to commit or to take him seriously. Regardless, he finds the confidence to step up his romantic pursuit, pushing her to face up to her past and to make a life changing decision about her future.
Though this message, and indeed the central relationship as a whole never comes across as terribly heartfelt, there’s a definite spark between the two stars, and their fun chemistry helps to keep things engaging, Chen wisely taking a light and unpretentious approach and avoiding too much melodrama or anything heavy. Also in the film’s favour is a surprisingly bizarre and random plot, which packs in some odd twists along the way to its inevitable conclusion. Though in fairness this is unlikely to have been intentional, the way in which Chen throws in a series of belief-stretching contrivances and soap opera clichés makes for some effective humour, which sits comfortably with the surprisingly funny comic relief, actress Qin Hailu (“A Simple Life”) doing a sterling job in the often thankless wacky best friend role. Chen has a good sense of pacing, which distracts from some of the nonsensical plotting, and the film has a fluffy, glossy and very commercial look, benefitting from the fact that the product placement not as offensive as in other genre efforts.
Although there’s nothing special enough about “Say Yes” to make it appeal beyond the usual romantic comedy fanbase, it’s definitely more enjoyable and palatable than most, and it at least offers a few variations on the usual themes. Huang Bo is as fun to watch as ever and Lin Chiling pouts prettily, and with Leste Chen doing a perfectly serviceable job as director the whole thing comes together really quite nicely.
Leste Chen (director)
CAST: Bo Huang … Huang Da
Chiling Lin … Ye Xun
Hailu Qin … Tao Zi
Godfrey Gao … Xu Zhuo